Universities are rather unusual organisations, in which a large proportion of positions of responsibility are held by lecturers. While the main responsibilities I have held are dealt with in a separate section, this section covers pedagogical responsibilities, i.e. essentially the direction of training programmes.

Internal Resources
This page does not take into account scientific responsibilities, which can be found on the page devoted to the key elements of my research activities, nor more global service to the university, that is also the subject of a specific page.
Programmes direction
Director of the master's programme in Entrepreneuriat et Management de Projets Innovants (EMPI) - Entrepreneurship and Innovative Project Management - part of the master's programme in Strategic Management (2020-....)
- Design and launch of the programme.
- The course is delivered via distance learning.
- It generated over 1,300 applications, 114 enrolments and 51 graduates in the first three years.
Director (2018-2022), then co-director (since 2022) of the university degrees (DUs) on entrepreneurship of Paris-Sud University and then Université Paris-Saclay
- Design of a modular system enabling the university to offer 4 DUs (Entrepreneurship, Creation and Development of Innovative Startups (CDSI), Entrepreneurship, Law and Digital (EDD) - which was proposed by professor Magnier - and Intrapreneurship, each comprising 4 modules, based on 8 partly shared modules.
- These courses generated 700 applications, 286 enrolments and 202 graduates over the first 5 years.
Co-director (2014-2017), then director (2017-2018 et 2022-2024) of the diplôme d'étudiant entrepreneur (D2E) - student entrepreneur degree - of Pépite PEIPS
- Very specific course based on mentorship rather than lectures.
- Pépites are entities that pool resources between higher education establishments to promote student entrepreneurship.
- Co-piloting its implementation in 2014, in parallel with the creation of Pépite.
Group director for the Strategic Management and Change master's program (2011-2014)
- Apprenticeship ntraining in partnership with ESSYM.
Director of the « Management international de la Parfumerie, de la Cosmétique et de l’Aromatique alimentaire » - International Management of Perfumes, Cosmetics and Food Flavors (MIPCA) programme, part of the Master Administration et Gestion des Entreprises (AGE) - Master in Business Administration (2005-2008)
- Overseeing the transformation of DESS into Master's degrees.
- Attempt to merge the two courses combined with a choice of options due to low enrolment in the DESS MAIA.
Co-director of DESS Management International de la Parfumerie et la Cosmétique (MIPC) - Masters in International Management of Perfumes and Cosmetics - and Marketing des Arômes et Ingrédients Alimentaires (MAIA) - Marketing of Food Flavors and Ingredients - (2002-2005)
- Co-director with Y. Bonhomme (MIPC), Y. Salaün and then D. Darpy (MAIA).
- Both programmes included apprenticeship training and were in partnership with ISIPCA.