Chapter ICT 2004
Chomienne, H. ; Corbel, P. and Saïd, K. « Le management de l’intégration des TIC dans les organisations : une compétence stratégique ? » in A. Ben Youssef et L. Ragni, Nouvelle économie, organisations et modes de coordination, L’Harmattan, Paris, April 2004, pp. 341-358
Résumé :
This book chapter is an adaptation in French of the paper presented at the 3rd MAAOE conference in 2002. Based on the Resource-Based View of the firm, it shows that the implementation of ICTs can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage, but that this depends more on the way in which they are implemented than on the technologies themselves. We stress the importance of the implementation process as a source of influence on the way those technologies are used.