
Les universités sont des organisations un peu particulières dans lesquelles une grosse partie des postes à responsabilité sont occupés par les enseignants-chercheurs. Prendre en charge ce type de responsabilité permet de participer directement à certaines décisions stratégiques et d'accumuler une expérience de la pratique du management stratégique, même si c'est dans un contexte particulier. 


Ressources internes

Cette page ne prend pas en compte les responsabilités scientifiques, que l'on retrouve sur la page consacrée aux éléments clés de mes activités de recherche.

Programmes management

Head of the  graduate school of Economics & Management ofUniversité Paris-Saclay (2021-....)

Preparation of the setting up of the graduate school: coordination of the "prefiguration group" in 2018/2019 mainly in charge of the elaboration of the internal regulations, animation of the provisional management team in 2020/2021: preparation of the board elections, elaboration of the first communication tools.

Launch of the first actions aimed at creating links between the entities of the graduate school: organisation of information and exchange days, events (including a graduation ceremony), launch of a call for federative projects.          

Mission head for student entrepreneurship for Université Paris-Saclay (2020-....)

Continuation of the development of actions promoting student entrepreneurship started during the vice-presidency at Paris-Sud University (see below).

Representation of Université Paris-Saclay in the Pépite PEIPS, and in regional and national bodies on student entrepreneurship.

Vice-president in charge of Corporate Relations and Life-Long Learning, Université Paris-Sud under the presidency of Sylvie Retailleau, and then Alain Sarfati (2016-2019)

Political representation of the university on the topics of relations with companies (excluding research and innovation partnerships), continuing education, apprenticeship, professional integration and student entrepreneurship.

Participation to the meetings of the presidency and executive teams of the University.

Political co-steering of a reorganisation of the main services concerned (continuing education, apprenticeship, vocational integration, information/guidance) leading to the creation of the Direction of Vocational Guidance and Corporate Relations.

Meetings with companies in the rare  (Safran, EDF, Air Liquide, Thales, Nokia, Servier, Huawei...).

Establishment of the necessary conditions for the development of continuing education activities (specific compensation rates, catalogue of training courses...).

Continuation of the development of actions promoting student entrepreneurship  (implementation of a series of degrees on entrepreneurship, creation of an active pedagogy programme consisting of having multidisciplinary teams of students working on the business side of researtch results from our labs, design of pedagogical tools on the creating and structuration of companies...).

Participation to working groups preparing the creation of Université Paris-Saclay and especially to the business model working group.

Presidence ad-interim of  Paris-Sud Université fundation (2017/2018).

Co-coordinator of  the steering committee  of "Programme d'Entrepreneuriat et d'Innovation Paris-Saclay" (PEIPS) - Paris-Saclay Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (2014-2017)

Animation of the meetings of the orientation and steering committees,  and of PEIPS' main thematic meetings.

Management of the implementation of the student entrepreneur status, and of the student entrepreneur degree:  diplôme d’établissement d’étudiant entrepreneur (D2E).

Copiloting with M. Marin of PEIPS' main actions (journée entrepreneuriat étudiant - student entrepreneurship day, rallye entrepreneuriat étudiant - student entrepreneurship rallye, especially).

Representation of PEIPS at entrepreneurship events,  and meeting with diverse socio-economic institutions.

Mission head for student entrepreneurship for Paris-Sud University (2015-2016)

Elaboration of an action plan for the development of student entrepreneurship.

Implementation of the first actions to promote student entrepreneurship: launch of communication tools, first entrepreneurship workshop and change of graduation rules of the university to allow work on an entrepreneurial project as a substitute for an internship.

Vice-president in charge of Development and Partnerships, and then Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Continuing Education, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines under the presidency of Jean-Luc Vayssière (2012-2015)

Participation in the design of UVSQ's strategy for corporate partnerships and fundraising.

Strategic piloting of the "Direction du Développement et des Partenariats" (DDP - Development and Partnerships Department) and the "Direction de la Formation Continue" (DFC - Continuing Education Department), then merged into the "Direction des Relations Entreprises, des Partenariats et de la Formation Continue" (DREP-FC, Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Continuing Education Department).

Presentation of opportunities of cooperation with UVSQ to the companies of the territory.

Support to the development of apprenticeship (relations with partner Apprenticeship Training Centers, negociation of the financial terms of agreements) => The university has surpassed 2100 student-apprentices in 2012-2013. It was ranked third nationally in terms of the proportion of apprentices according to a survey from "l'Etudiant". Related revenues for UVSQ in 2013-2014 : 6,7 million euros, for 2.350 student-apprentices.

Representative of UVSQ at the CODESQY (Conseil de Développement de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Development Council).

UVSQ entrepreneurship referent => Participation in the response to the "PEPITE" call for projects leading to the creation of the "Pôle Entrepreneuriat & Innovation Paris-Saclay" (PEIPS - Paris-Saclay Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program) in 2014.

Vice-president in charge of development, partnerships and sponsorship, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines under the presidency of Sylvie Faucheux (2009-2012)

Participation in the design of UVSQ's strategy for corporate partnerships and fundraising.

Strategic piloting of the "direction du développement et des partenariats et du mécénat" (DDPM - development and partnerships and sponsorship department) => Total financial contribution of the DDPM estmated as being more than 350 k€ in 2011-2012.

Steering the launch of  Fondation UVSQ, general-purpose foundation of the university and participation to its development as Treasurer (2011-2014).

Support to the development of apprenticeship (relations with partner Apprenticeship Training Centers, negociation of the financial terms of agreements)  => Steady growth of the number of apprentice-students : approximately 1.400 in 2009-2010 ; 1.600 in 2010-2011 and 1.800 en 2011-2012 and of related revenues for the university: up to 5 million euros in 2011-2012.

Presentation of opportunities of cooperation with UVSQ to the companies of the territory which will lead to the partnership between Banque Populaire Val de France and Fondation UVSQ, for example.

Director of the administrative sciences department of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines until its dissolution inside the  Institut Supérieur de Management (2007-2010)

Coordination of a team of 11 tenured teacher-researchers, 2 associated professionals, 3 teachers, and 3 research and teaching assistants.

Mission head for the President of the university for the development of apprenticeship at UVSQ (2007-2009)

Representative of UVSQ for topics related to apprenticeship.

Support to the implementation of courses undertaken under apprenticeship status and to the negociation of terms of agreement with partner Training Apprenticeship Centers => 1.250 student-apprentices at UVSQ in 2008-2009.

Interfacing with the management team of CFA d’Alembert Training Apprenticeship Center => 9 courses et 113 student-apprentices at CFA d'Alembert in 2008-2009.

Deputy director of the LAREQUOI, management research center of UVSQ (2007-2009)

Operational management ad interim of the research center during the sabbatical year of the director, Professor P. Hermel, in 2007-2008.

Mission head for the President of UVSQ for the creation of an Apprenticeship Training Center internal to the university in association with the Versailles Val d’Oise Yvelines Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2005-2007)

Agreement signed in June 2006 for the creation of the Apprenticeship Training Center "CFA d'Alembert" and effective start in September 2006 with one course.


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Ressources externes

Sites web de l'Université Paris-Saclay et de PEIPS.

Sites web de l'Université Paris-Sud et de la page d'accueil entreprises.

Sites web de l'UVSQ.

The author

This website's webmaster is Pascal Corbel, Professor of management at Université Paris-Saclay.

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