Revue de Management et de Stratégie 2015
Corbel, P. « Valorisation de la recherche publique : la difficile question des indicateurs de mesure de la performance », Revue de Management et de Stratégie, Vol.1, No 1, January 2015, pp. 1-9
There is a significant contrast between the way in which the performance of public research institutions in terms of commercialising research is most often measured and the richness of the relationships between the latter and companies, as several research studies have shown. This article aims to bridge this gap by proposing a measurement system that combines a set of quantitative indicators with a qualitative report. In keeping with a prescriptive approach, this set of indicators is made up of data that can actually be used. But beyond application as such, it can constitute a source of discussion for the construction of indicator systems adapted to different types of institutions. Furthermore, in an academic manner, the reasoning that led to this proposal is presented in detail to allow a discussion of the underlying hypotheses.
The article is available in open access on the journal's website.