Book 2009
Corbel, P., Technologie, Innovation, Stratégie – De l’innovation technologique à l’innovation stratégique, Paris : Gualino, Lextenso éditions, juillet 2009, 368 p.
It has become commonplace to say that innovation is at the heart of business strategy. But the implications of such an assertion are numerous. How do you create new technologies? How can they be transformed into competitive advantages? What is strategic innovation? Can we just manage innovation? The questions raised by this central character of innovation are numerous. This book does not pretend to offer definitive answers, since knowledge in this field, as in others, is constantly evolving, proposing new answers and enriching or rejecting old ones. It aims, more modestly, to draw up a state of the art of knowledge in innovation management, whatever its nature (technological, organisational, strategic).
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